Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The arrival of baby bear

I am a new mother or a new "momma bear" as I like to be called to a beautiful 6, almost 7, month old boy. He is the ultimate blessing in my life besides my husband of course, and I would like to write this blog to remember and reflect on all his many milestones.......and possibly pass on some advice i've gained to new clueless mamma bears like myself. I realize with him being almost 7 months old already I may be a little late in getting started, but better late than never I always say!

My little baby bear was born on December 12, 2008 which also happens to be my birthday. Baby bears original due date was December 4 and he had gone over due. Not wanting to wait any longer to meet my little angel I opted to have an induction. Although I didn't mind giving up my birthday to my baby bear to be, others had some different opinions and so we scheduled the induction for December 11. December 11 came and my husband and I were very excited and anxious!! Off to the hospital we went and all settled into my little delivery room we got. I had baby bears father, of course, and my very best girl friend, Auntie T in the delivery room with me. The Dr. came in and put me on a petocin drip and broke my water, in a few hours baby bear would finally be here. Shortly after that wonderful anastegiologist came in and gave me an epidural. It didn't work!! panik stricken I made the nurse track down the poor man to find out what had gone wrong. Thankfully it was just that I needed a larger dose, the nice anastegiologist turned that drip right up and I was in pain free heaven ....... then began the waiting game. For a mother and father who opted not to find out the sex of the baby the waiting game was only made that much longer. So we waited and we waited and we waited some more. Although very pain free from that large dose of epidural, I was very anxious to meet baby bear and more importantly find out the answer to the question is baby bear a boy? Or girl? Hour after hour went by, nearing midnight and still no baby bear! The Dr., at 11:45 finally gave me the o.k to push. And by 12:40 a.m. December 12, 2008 I got the best birthday present I had ever recieved. It was a boy!!! an 8lb 8oz, 19 ½ inch beautiful baby boy.

And there began our lives with baby bear. Little did I know it wouldn't be as easy as mothering my baby dolls. I hope to pass on my experiences with baby bear to all new momma bears out there. My husband and I are learning as we go, so hopefully this blog will give new momma bears like me some insight into what they don't tell you in the books.

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